Wednesday, January 18, 2023

my personal expeirence and thoughts about wine

Hello! I'm Sheena, a senior in Computer Engineering, and I decided to take this class to learn more about a drink I frankly know next to nothing about, and force myself to carve some time out to spend some social time with my friends out of my busy schedule.

a picture of me

I grew up in the Middle East, and because the country I lived in was ruled by an Islamic government, the rules for alcohol consumption were incredibly strict. The only times I saw wine consumed in public was during mass in the international church my family was a part of, and even that was a very watered down red wine to save on costs. My parents do not consume any alcohol at all either,.

As you can probably imagine, I have absolutely no knowledge on wine thus far. I only recently turned 21 last December and bought my first bottle of red wine the week following my birthday. I was so overwhelmed by choice that I just picked one with an interesting looking label and was on sale that week (it was the Artie Cabernet Sauvignon - I had to look it up) to split with my friends, which was probably not the best idea since none of us liked the wine and we ended up not finishing the bottle. I've since tried a glass of white wine at my uncle's place for new years which I didn't like either since it was really bitter.

Because of my very limited experience with wine, I don't really know what I would like. From talking to friends who like wine, I think I might like something sweet and fruity, and considering I don't really like carbonated drinks, I think I would prefer still wines. I still want to take the weekly wine tasting as an opportunity to try out all kinds of wine - I'm super open to finding out a favorite outlier! 

Here's to hoping this class broadens my palette ~clink~!

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